CONTENT - LEVEL 3 Certificate in Purchasing
and Supply
This award can be studied by UK
members and is the ideal entry for anyone new to the profession as
no prior qualifications or experience is required. It comprises of
five units:
The units that make up the award are:
• L3-01
Understanding the Purchasing Environment
• L3-02 Purchasing Operations
• L3-03 Client and Supplier Relationships
• L3-04 Securing Supply
• L3-05 Purchasing in Action (Integrative
This unit is designed to develop an understanding of the impact
of the external national and international business environment
upon the purchasing function in a range of different organisations
and sectors.
Purchasing has a critical role to play in ensuring value for money
is achieved in both profit making and non-profit
making organisations. In addition to understanding the macro/micro
environment, purchasing professionals must have a commercial and
financial awareness relating to ensuring best value is achieved.
By the end of this unit students should be able to recognise the
implications of the purchasing environment for a variety of organisations,
in a variety of sectors, and have an awareness of business and commercial
issues associated with achieving best value in the purchasing function.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Explain how different organisations and sectors interact
in the business environment, both nationally and
• Describe the different types of market structures in which
organisations operate
• Outline the importance of understanding and meeting stakeholder
expectations in the purchasing environment
• Explain how analysing the external environment can assist
in making informed purchasing decisions
• Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of analysing
financial information relating to the external
1.0 Understanding different purchasing contexts
(Weighting 40%)
1.1 Describe the different types of organisational structures and
sectors involved in purchasing goods and services.
• Public sector
• Private sector
• Small Medium Enterprise
• Not-for-profit (including charities)
• Services
Explain the effects of different market conditions on the following:
• Perfect competition
• Imperfect competition: monopolistic competition, monopolies,
• Oligopolies.
1.3 Discuss how different market forms affect the degree of competition
in a market and how this impacts on how
purchasing operates in the market.
• Sole suppliers: monopolies
• Large supplier base giving competitive advantage
• Restricted markets
1.4 Identify the different stakeholder groups involved in the public
and private sector purchasing functions, and
understand the concept of stakeholder co-operation.
Stakeholder groups include:
• Employees
• Customers
• Suppliers
• Shareholders
• Local government
• Local businesses
• Charities
• Political parties
• Pressure groups
2.0 Understanding the local, national and international external
factors impacting upon purchasing
(Weighting 40%)
2.1 Explain the impact of political factors affecting purchasing
locally, nationally and internationally:
• Political initiatives and drivers: changes in public and
private sectors
• Private finance initiatives (PFI)
• Public private partnerships (PPP)
• Design, build, finance and operate (DBFO)
• Government policy and funding
• Political drivers
• International politics and policies
• Trade sanctions
• Political directives
2.2 Identify economic factors affecting purchasing locally, nationally
and internationally, including:
• Interest rates
• Exchange rates
• Investment programmes
• The business cycle – boom and bust
• International economics
Discuss social factors affecting purchasing locally and internationally.
• Culture
• Demographics
• Local practices
• Language
• Behaviour
• Communications
• Ethics
• Local working practices and working hours
2.4 Identify technological factors affecting purchasing at local
levels, nationally and internationally.
• Technology as a way of opening up new markets
• New communication technologies
• Government initiatives with technology
• Evolving nature and scope of e-procurement
• Different paces of technological development nationally
and internationally, in developed and developing economies
• E-sourcing
2.5 Discuss environmental factors affecting purchasing at local
levels, nationally and internationally.
• Environmental policy
• Pollution, removal of rain forests, contamination of rivers,
discharge of effluent
• Issues relating to environmentally friendly practices
• Reducing and disposing of waste in the purchasing function
• Legislation on emissions
• Kyoto agreement and its impact upon commercial operations
2.6 Explain the Legislative factors affecting the purchasing function
locally and internationally.
• Growth in legislation at UK, European and international
• Employment law
• Health and Safety (particularly 1974 Health and Safety Act)
• Equal opportunities
• UK 1979 Sale of Goods Act
Financial tools for analysing the external purchasing environment
(Weighting 20%)
3.1 Identify the legal obligations relating to financial reporting
of public, private and not-for-profit
• UK legal requirements to put accounts into the public domain
3.2 Explain the importance of understanding and interpreting financial
statements in order to understand the financial position of organisations
and relevant stakeholders involved in the purchasing function.
• Understanding the basic principles of the balance sheet
and profit and loss account
• Using balance sheet and profit and loss accounts to understand
sources of funds, assets and liabilities
3.3 Use a range of basic ratio analysis tools for assessing financial
data on suppliers and competitors active in the purchasing environment
• Gross profit ratio
• Net profit ratio
• Current ratio
• Acid test ratio
This unit is designed to introduce students to the broad variety
of purchasing activities. Students should be aware of the operational
objectives of purchasing and the need to balance considerations
of cost, lead-time and quality.
Included in the basic principles of purchasing is the need to understand
the variety of key activities that purchasers are involved in, including
project administration activities and contributing to the development
of specifications, contract formation and the process of sourcing
suppliers. By the end of this unit, students should be able to understand
the key operational processes and principles involved in the specifying,
sourcing and contracting suppliers.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
• Identify the different types of operational objectives relevant
to the purchasing function in a variety of
different sectors
• Discuss the importance of the best practice relating to
setting objectives within purchasing
• Describe how to prepare supplier specifications
• Explain policy and information requirements of the organisation
when preparing specifications
• Outline the stages of identifying and sourcing suppliers
• Describe the different approaches for verifying supplier
• Identify the essential elements of a legally binding agreement
1.0 Identifying operational needs of the purchasing function (Weighting
1.1.Identify the differences between operational objectives in the
purchasing function of a variety of different
organisations including:
• Manufacturing
• Services
• Retailing
• Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)
• Not-for-profit
• Processing
• Assembly
• Factoring and wholesaling
Determine best practice in purchasing in all sectors. Right quality
- quality as conformance to specification
and fitness for purpose:
• The costs of getting quality wrong,
• Specifications quality
• Approaches to managing supplier quality
• The concept of zero defects
1.3 Right quantity - determine the quantity required, factors influencing
choice of how much to buy, minimum order levels and values:
• Understand economic order quantities (EOQ)
• Calculating demand
• Concept of buffer stocks
• Concept of insurance stocks
1.4 Right place - in-bound transportation of goods to the delivery
point, issues arising from UK and international
transportation including:
• Selecting transport types
• Ensuring availability of appropriate documentation
• Types of packaging
1.5 Right time - internal, external and total lead time and factors
that influence lead time, expediting, and
measuring supplier delivery performance.
• Understanding the real meaning of lead time: origination
of need to fulfilment of need
• Demand factors
• The need for buffer stocks
• Minimum stock levels
• Supplier’s production times
• Logistics operator’s operational systems
1.6 Right price - determining the right price and appreciating the
different types of costs, and the relationship to purchasing price.
• Price elasticity
• Pricing strategies: skimming, penetration, psychological
• The concept of cost building
• The elements of cost: materials, labour, overheads, marketing,
logistics and profit.
• Understanding a supplier’s cost base and profit margins
• Examining what the market will bear
• Maintaining profit margins
Contributing towards the development of specifications (Weighting
2.1 Explain the meaning of specifications and tolerances.
• The definition of a specification
• Why it is regarded as the heart of the contract
• What are the implications of zero defects
• The need for the buyer to drive the specification
• The legal aspects of letting the supplier drive the specification
2.2 Explain the importance and purpose of developing specifications
for purchasing products and services.
• Lets the supplier know that the buyer is in control
• Gives definition
• Removes doubt and the opportunity for misinterpretation
• Ensures the supplier needs to understand it is required
to demonstrate the methodology in delivering a product or a service
2.3 Identify the different types of specification and consider the
different contexts in which they are used:
Methods: Used in Sectors
• Blueprint/design • Engineering, projects, construction
• Brand name • Small businesses, consumers
• Sample • Textiles, commodities
• Market grade • Commodity trades
• Standards • Engineering, manufacturing
• Performance • Manufacturing, electronics and most
• Chemical/physical • Chemical engineering, engineering,
• Properties
2.4 Describe how buyers and suppliers can contribute towards effective
specification development.
• Liaison with users
• Understanding the user’s needs
• Understanding the legal implications
• Minimising the tolerances
2.5 Explain information requirements for developing effective specifications
- possible suppliers:
• Technical requirements: project specifications, material
• Timelines: schedules
• Delivery requirements for supply: times required
Identify areas within specifications where legislation and company
policy might impact upon the development of purchasing specifications.
• Corporate social responsibility, ethics, conflict of interest
• Quality kite marks, processes, procedures
• Minimum standards of practice and performance
3.0 An introduction to sourcing suppliers (Weighting 25%)
3.1 Identify the different stages of sourcing suppliers:
• Identify the needs
• Establish the specification
• Survey the market
• Source the market
• Appraise (audit) suppliers
• Invite quotations (tenders)
• Analyse quotations and select the most promising supplier
• Negotiate the best value for money
• Award the contract
• Monitor, review and maintain performance
3.2 Identify potential sources of supply and obtain information
on their capabilities. Methods to be used:
• Internet
• Networking
• Trade fairs and exhibitions
• Visits from company representatives
• Advertisements
• Sales literature
3.3 Explain the pre-qualification criteria for new suppliers.
• Financial status
• Capacity of the company to produce
• Technical capability
• Adherence to systems and procedures
• Conformance to legislation
• The supplier’s supply chain
• The supplier’s customer base
• The culture of the company
• The identified costs of the proposed purchase
3.4 Identify the different ways of verifying the information provided
by suppliers including:
• References
• Financial assessments
• Ability to manage high volumes
• Delivery and quality records
An introduction to contracts for purchasing (Weighting 25%)
4.1 Provide an overview of the legal system, the sources of law:
• The basis of the legal system in the UK and in Europe
• The difference between statutes and case law
• The role of parliament and the judiciary
4.2 Outline the key components of the formation of contract.
• Offer
• Acceptance
• Consideration
• Intention to be legally bound
• Capacity
4.3 Explain the concept of Contract Terms and Conditions –
expressed and implied:
• Defining terms and conditions
• Understanding the need for terms
• Examining basic terms: termination, payment, ownership,
4.4 Explain privity and exceptions to the doctrine of privity: including
Contracts, Rights of Third Parties Act 1999:
• Understanding when legal liability moves from the buyer
to another party
4.5 Describe different approaches to resolving contractual disputes.
• Negotiation
• Arbitration
• Adjudication
• Through a court of law
This unit is designed to enable those working in purchasing to understand
the nature and scope of operational supplier relationships in order
to optimise the performance of key suppliers.
The need to add value through relationships is central to the success
of any commercial relationship, and developing a strong customer
focus is central to achieving organisational goals.
will be able to act as internal consultants representing the purchasing
function in operational relationships.
There is a variety of skills involved in developing a strong customer/supplier
interface, including basic communication and information seeking.
will be able to contribute towards the improvement of purchasing
efficiency and ensure that
operational relationships are both maintained and improved within
the supply chain.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Recognise the importance of maintaining effective commercial
operational relationships within the supply
• Distinguish between internal and external customers
• Explain the importance of those working in purchasing providing
excellent customer service to both internal
and external customers
• Outline the need for effective and efficient purchasing
• Identify the information requirements of those involved
in operational relationships
• Explain how to improve operational supply relationships
1.0 Understanding the nature and scope of operational relationships
(Weighting 30%)
1.1 Explain the role of purchasing as a service provider function.
Distinguishing between suppliers and customers
• Stakeholder management
• Customer relationship management
• Relationships in the supply chain
• Key components of a relationship
1.2 Recognise the importance of multi-tasking and cross-functional
activities within the purchasing process.
• Cross-functional relationships
• The part cross-functional activity plays in an organisation
• Cross-functional relationships in the supply chain
• Implications of working across a diverse customer base
• The role of the purchasing professional as an internal consultant
1.3 Describe the contribution effective teams can make to the management
of operational relationships in the
purchasing function.
• Importance of team-working in the purchasing environment
• Different stages of team formation
• Barriers to effective team working
• Roles within teams
• Profiling teams
• Idea generation
• Joint responsibility
• Continuity
1.4 Identify the information requirements of all stakeholders in
the supply chain and how this information contributes to effective
management of operational relationships.
• Internal consultancy as a means of understanding requirements
• Data gathering tools and techniques
• Types of information required across the supply chain
• Quantitative versus qualitative data
2.0 The importance of operational relationships within the purchasing
function (Weighting 40%)
2.1 Explain the benefits of maintaining good operational relationships
within the purchasing function: strong
relationships, improved business efficiency and greater effectiveness.
• Benefits of excellent relationship management
• Potential costs to the organisation of poor relationship
• Managing long term relationships
• Pros and cons of long term relationships
Determine the difference between good and bad customer service.
• Defining customer service
• The characteristics of good customer service
• The characteristics of an internal customer relationship
• The characteristics of an external customer relationship
• Operational requirements of good customer service
• The value to the organisation of good customer service
• Understanding the customer’s perspective
2.3 Explain the importance of determining and maintaining service
level agreements both internally and externally
within the purchasing function, and how service levels aid efficiency
and consistency.
• Service level agreements and their relevance in the purchasing
• Objectives of service level agreements
• How to construct a service level agreement
• Problems with maintaining and monitoring service level agreements
2.4 Outline each stage of the communications cycle and its relevance
in enhancing effective communication.
• The communication process: the key steps
• Barriers to effective communication
• Overcoming barriers to communication
• Importance of managing communication
2.5 Explain how to communicate effectively within the supply chain
through use of the following communication tools:
• Writing emails
• Writing letters
• Writing memoranda
• Writing reports
• Preparing documentation
• Verbal and non-verbal communication
2.6 Maintain effective communication programmes that ensure stakeholders
within the relationships are
consulted on issues of importance, including:
• Definition of a communication programme
• Why communication programmes fail
• Stakeholder communication techniques
• Focus groups
• Consultation forums
• Briefings and seminars
Explain how to negotiate effectively in order to achieve supplier
co-operation on day-to-day operational issues:
• Building rapport
• Tactical versus strategic negotiation in the context of
an existing relationship
• Supplier management
• Role of an account manager
• Understanding the supplier’s perspective
3.0 Maintaining and improving operational relationships (Weighting
3.1 Identify and describe a range of tools for monitoring operational
relationship success.
• Supply chain management versus supplier management
• Gaining executive sponsorship
• Benefits of managing operational relationships
• The different stages of trust in the buyer/supplier relationship
• Key performance indicators
3.2 Measure and monitor communications success within the purchasing
• Key components of relationship mapping
• The importance of purchasing plans
• Purchasing plans as a means of communication
• Feedback mechanisms
• Barriers to successful monitoring
3.3 Identify ways of developing opportunities within the operational
relationship including:
• Stages of relationship development
• Problems in relationship development
• Broadening supply
• Improving supplier commitment and co-operation
• Supplier development programmes
• Risks of failing to develop opportunities
Contribute to improving operational relationships.
• Improve communication
• Profile suppliers
• Profile customers
• Improve delivery and adherence to service standards
• Carry out supplier performance appraisal
• Develop supplier loyalty
• Avoid undermining supplier loyalty
L3-04 SECURING SUPPLY (Compulsory Unit)
This unit is designed to enable those who work in purchasing to
gain a broad understanding of the key requirements of controlling
the supply of goods. Additionally, inherent within securing supply
is the importance of stores and warehouse management, along with
materials handling.
Students should be able to contribute towards the assessment of
stock requirements, and assist in the
scheduling of the flow of supplies.
By the end of this unit students should be able to understand the
implications of effective scheduling of stock, and the importance
of inventory control as a method of improving efficiency while,
at the same time, driving down costs associated with holding stock.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Discuss the implications of holding stock
• Describe the different methods used to value stock
• Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of inventory control
• Define the terms safety stock and service levels, and describe
their effect on order quantities
• Explain how the scheduling of the flow of supplies meet
the requirements of an organisation
• Assist in providing information on the principles of stores
and warehouse layout, including design and layout
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types
of materials handling equipment
1.0 Understand the implications of holding stock (Weighting 30%)
1.1 Explain why organisations hold stock, and be able to segment
supplies effectively to demonstrate the characteristics of critical
and bottleneck items. Be able to explain why organisations need
to secure supply and
some of the issues relating to difficult and vulnerable supplies.
• The reasons for holding stock
• Risks associated with stocking out
• The costs of stocking out
The different categories of stock
• Stockholding policies
1.2 Identify the various implications associated with holding stock.
• Cost of storage, security and insurance
• Depreciation
• Cost of working capital
• Opportunity cost
• Overhead costs
1.3 Discuss the problems associated with holding stock.
• Potential for damage and deterioration
• Loss of value
• Theft
• Fraud
• Use of space
• Working capital and cash flow
Explain the range of tools used to evaluate stock.
• The reasons for stock valuation
• The methods of stock valuation
• Average cost
• Standard cost
• Replacement cost
1.5 Describe a range of payment techniques for stock, together with
the issues associated with the passage of
title within material flows.
• Payment Methods
• Payments in advance, open account, stage or partial payment
• Transfer of property and transfer of possession
• The passing of risk
• Delivery and acceptance
• Bailment
2.0 Using stock control methods effectively (Weighting 20%)
2.1 Determine the demand for stock.
• Stock categorisation methods (ABC analysis)
• Techniques for managing bottleneck items
• Forecasting techniques
• Coping with seasonal demand
2.2 Identify techniques for monitoring and controlling inventory.
• Stock control techniques
• Kanban
• Vendor managed inventory
• Consignment stocking
Explain what is involved in fixed order point, periodic review systems
and economic order quantities (EOQ).
• Demand, usage and lead times
• Fixed order point
• Periodic review
• Costs of acquisition
• How much to order, and the economic order quantity (EOQ)
3.0 Inventory management factors (Weighting 25%)
3.1 Explain the concept of standardisation and variety reduction
in stock supplied.
• Why stock proliferation occurs
• The advantages of standardisation
• Approaches to variety reduction
• The management of slow-moving and redundant stock
3.2 Discuss the differences between dependent and independent demand
in managing stock.
• Definitions of dependent and independent demand
• Terminology: bills of materials, master production schedules
• Inventory control systems for dependent and independent
3.3 Determine safety stock and service levels.
• Definitions of safety stock
• Definitions of service levels
• The relationship between safety stock, service levels and
order quantities
3.4 Explain the concept of classification and coding.
• Different coding systems available
• The benefits of coding systems
• The characteristics of a good coding system
• Significant coding
3.5 Explain how suitable data systems are used to collate and prepare
data for analysis on securing supply.
• Stock recording methods
• Stocktaking
• Use of information technology (IT) systems in managing stock
• Current developments in IT
Physical Stock Management (Weighting 25%)
4.1 Explain the internal requirements to consider in selecting a
warehouse location. Location of a warehouse
• Transport networks
• Accessibility
• Functionality
• Size and flexibility of premises
• Costs
• Whether to lease or own premises
• Purpose-built site or adapt existing premises
• Proximity to operational premises and customer sites
4.2 Identify the range of external factors to consider when selecting
a warehouse location.
• Understanding of local factors including: availability and
cost of labour force, local infrastructure
• Political influences: grants and regional aid, business
taxes, environmental factors (potential negative
impact caused by noise and congestion) and power of local lobby
4.3 Outline the factors which should be taken into account when
designing stores and warehouses, including
identification of potential problems and areas that might prohibit
effective store and warehouse design.
• Principles of warehouse design
• Factors influencing warehouse layout
• Different layout techniques
• The use of IT systems and simulation in warehouse design
4.4 Explain the general principles of store and warehouse layout
and the following storage principles:
• Flow
• Space
• Utilisation
• Flexibility
4.5 Explain the principles underpinning efficient materials handling,
including the advantages and disadvantages of
materials handling equipment.
• The range of materials handling solutions available
• The advantages and disadvantages of various materials handling
• Live storage
• Palletisation and unit loads
• The principles of packing and packaging
Outline the different stock transaction recording and stocktaking
• Paper-based
• Electronic documentation
• Databases
4.7 Discuss the relative methods of automated stock handling and
payment systems, including EPOS and EFT.
• Barcoding
• Radio frequency identification (RFID)
• Electronic point of sale (EPOS)
• Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPS)
• Warehouse management systems
4.8 Explain relative merits of stockless purchasing and just-in-
time (JIT) inventory management.
• Introduction to the principle of improving productivity
and eliminating waste through JIT systems
• The development of JIT
• Advantages and disadvantages of JIT
• Drawbacks of JIT
Integrative Core Unit)
This unit is designed to consolidate the learning from all four
modules in the CIPS Certificate in Purchasing and
Supply and is an assessment vehicle.You will be assessed on the
learning outcomes below, through either a case study examination
or an assignment.
A selection of some of the core areas from each module will be revisited
in order to test understanding, with the
emphasis on providing a route map which shows how all of the subjects
link together within the purchasing function.
All of the core areas will be reviewed in the context of the end-to-end
purchasing process which brings together
elements from a number of different modules at each stage.
The core areas being reviewed are:
Purchasing operations: how the function can make a difference by
being involved at an early stage, from
identification of need through to contract negotiation.
Client and supplier relationships: looking at the different relationships
that exist in the supply chain and how
purchasing can improve operational efficiency through effective
management practices.
Understanding the purchasing environment: helping students appreciate
the importance of internal and external
analysis and how this can help when working with clients and suppliers
at each stage of the purchasing process.
supply: looking at the various methods available for securing supply,
and how supplier relationship management can influence inventory
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate a knowledge of the key principles governing
each module and indicate how they link together
• Describe the end-to-end purchasing process and the key components
within it
• Discuss the importance that relationships play within purchasing
• Outline the importance of purchasing consultancy and how
this can be carried out within the organisation
• Explain how analysing the internal and external environment
can assist in making informed purchasing decisions
Discuss the relevance of contracts within the purchasing function
• Demonstrate an understanding of the part storage of supplies
plays in the end-to-end purchasing process
• Explain how ongoing supplier management can improve overall
purchasing efficiency
1.0 Understanding the key components of the end-to-end purchasing
process: the purchasing cycle
(Weighting 30%)
1.1 Recognise the role of purchasing within organisations and how
to distinguish between functional and
operational objectives.
• Overview of the purchasing cycle: the end-to-end process
• Different types of operational objectives that exist in
• How to work across the function within the context of the
1.2 Discuss the importance of early purchasing involvement and ways
of working: stakeholder maps, project teams and communication programmes.
• Working with stakeholders to develop specifications
• Identifying stakeholders
• Working as part of a team
• Communicating the process
1.3 Explain how to source suppliers and the process used to ensure
maximum competition.
• Information gathering
• Tools and techniques to aid the process
• Analysis of the external market
• Conditioning the supply market using request for quotations
• Communicating the process
2.0 Working with stakeholders towards supplier selection and implementation
(Weighting 40%)
2.1 Describe how purchasing would work with internal customers to
ensure success in relation to selecting the
right supplier.
• The stakeholder’s perspective
• Purchasing’s perspective
• Selection methods
• Information requirements when analysing suppliers
• Communicating the process
Explain how the level of competitiveness within the market can affect
the overall deal negotiated.
• Different market conditions
• Supplier development
• Tactical negotiation versus strategic negotiation
2.3 Demonstrate how contracts can aid negotiation and identify the
different stages of contract formation.
• Types of legislation in existence that could affect a commercial
• Steps involved in forming a legally binding contract
• Working with stakeholders to ensure contract closure
• Working with suppliers to ensure contract closure
• Monitoring the contract
3.0 Working with suppliers to ensure implementation and securing
supply for the long term (Weighting 30%)
Recognise the need for service level agreements once contracts have
been agreed and how to involve the key stakeholders in relation
• Working with a supplier in order to create a service level
agreement (SLA)
• The importance of building a relationship with the supplier
• How to involve the stakeholders
• Communicating the process
3.2 Explain the importance of supplier development and how to create
the right environment with both internal
and external stakeholders in order to make this happen.
• Supplier relationship management
• Tools and techniques
• How to involve and work with internal and external stakeholders
• Communication programme
3.3 Provide an overview of how to work with suppliers to ensure
adequate stock levels, stock utilisation, stock turn and ultimately
inventory efficiencies.
• Inventory, stockless purchasing and JIT
• Information requirements and how to obtain them
• Monitoring the situation and keeping the stakeholders informed
• Completing the end-to-end process
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